DC’s Blue Beetle movie is on track for release date 2023

There is a lot of uncertainty about the future of HBO Max films and DC live action films. bat girl Canceled by Warner Bros. Discovery last week, despite near completion of production, because the company felt it was too big for HBO Max and too small for theaters. There was a lot of talk from executives about reshaping the DC universe moving forward, and fans were concerned that some projects without characters like Batman, Superman, or Wonder Woman might be in trouble. Fortunately, it seems blue ladybug Still on the right track.

championship Cobra Kai Xolo Maridueña outbreak, blue ladybug It’s currently scheduled to hit theaters next August, although it was originally scheduled to be a streaming original show. new piece of The Hollywood Reporter Regarding the future of DC movies it states that blue ladybug Still in plans for next year’s release. At the moment, there is no concern about that blue ladybug You will face the same fate as Batgirl.

blue ladybug Not only is it an interesting project because of its lead character and compelling crew, but also because it received a promotion of some kind during the production process. The movie was originally supposed to be shown on HBO Max but Warner Bros. I made the decision to send instead blue ladybug to the theatres.

Maridwina plays the lead blue ladybug Along with Susan Sarandon, Bruna Marchesin, Bellissa Escobedo, Jorge Lopez, Adriana Barraza, Elepedia, Damien Alcazar, Harvey Gillen and Raul Max Trujillo. The film is directed by Angel Manuel Sota, with a script by Gareth Dunnet-Alcoce.

“This would really be a stepping stone in my life,” Maridwina revealed in an interview earlier this year. “I have had the opportunity to build chemistry with these people over the years Cobra Kai. It would be hard to try to recreate that chemistry in a much shorter amount of time, but all of these guys are professionals. I know I’m in the hands of people who are the best at what they do. opportunity in Cobra Kai You have really blessed me. I can do stunts, we can do crazy things. The addition of this new level of green screen, suits, CGI and all of that is going to add a whole new crazy level to it and I’m really excited about it.”

Looking forward to seeing DC blue ladybug On the big screen? Let us know in the comments!



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